Research seminar series at the Research Institute for Politics and Government

Research Institute for Politics and Government (Eötvös József Research Centre, University of Public Service) organises the following seminar series (constantly being updated):






Form of the event

September 4
2 pm (CEST)

Oliver Traldi
Princeton University

The Philosophy of History as Political Epistemology

research seminar 19/2024

September 17
10 am (CEST)

Jordan Rudinsky
Harvard University

From Deliberation to Responsibility. The Transformation of Parliamentarism in the Early 20th Century

research seminar 20/2024
in person
Venue: MCC 

October 2
10 am (CEST)

Brigitta Schvéd


research seminar 21/2024
in person, in Hungarian

October 2
2 pm (CEST)

Manfred Svensson
Universidad de los Andes

Aristotelian Practical Philosophy in the Post-Reformation: The Scope of an Early Protestant Tradition

research seminar 22/2024

October 9
10 am (CEST)

Tilo Schabert
University of Erlangen

When Virtù and Fortuna met. Political leaders perceive and think philosophically in facing the contingency of Germany`s reunification

research seminar 23/2024
in person

October 16
10 am (CEST)

Ross Carroll
Dublin City University

Edmund Burke

research seminar 24/2024

October 30
3 pm (CET)

Isaac Nakhimovsky
Yale University


research seminar 25/2024








Form of the event

25 January
2 pm (CET)

Alan S. Kahan 
University of Versailles/St. Quentin

Freedom from Fear: An Incomplete History of Liberalism

research seminar 1/2024

7 February
10 am (CET)

Matthijs Lok
Universiteit van Amsterdam

Europe against Revolution: Conservatism, Enlightenment and the Making of the Past

research seminar 2/2024

14 February
4 pm (CET)​​​
10 am (ET)

Alexis Carré
Harvard University

Raymond Aron’s Ambition

research seminar 3/2024

28 February
10 am (CET)

Richard Whatmore
University of St Andrews

Free states and enlightenment

research seminar 4/2024

6 March
10 am (CET)

Johanna Fröhlich

Alkotmányos érvelés Latin Amerikában - Stratégiai fordulat vagy dekoratív elemek játszmája?

research seminar 5/2024
in person, in Hungarian

13 March
10 am (CET)

István Tringli
Institute of History

Lex politica Dei. Egy magyar nyelvű természetjogi mű 1610-ből

research seminar 6/2024
(NRDI Fund)
in person, in Hungarian

20 March
10 am to 2 pm (CET)

Ryan R. Holston
Virginia Military Institute, Department of International Studies & Political Science

Tradition’s Deliberation: Gadamer and the Irreality of a Community without Limits

in person

27 March
10 am (CET)

Juan Carlos Riofrío
Catholic University of America

The Natural Law Formula and the Missing Link: Tracing and Updating Aquinas’ Methodology

research seminar 7/2024
in person

10 April
9.30 am (CEST)

Research group of RIPG

The Concept of Politics and "The Political" in Modern Hungarian Political Thought from the 16th to the 20th Century

workshop (Hungarian NRDI Fund)

17 April
3 pm (CEST)
9 am (EDT)

Samuel Moyn
Yale University

Liberalism against Itself

research seminar 8/2024

24 April
10 am (CEST)

Gábor Dobos

Hálózatos lokalitás - közösségi média a helyi politikában

research seminar 9/2024
in person, in Hungarian

30 April
10 am (CEST)

Titus Techera

Burke and the Origin of Parties

research seminar 10/2024
in person

8 May
3 pm (CEST)
9 am (EDT)

John A. Burtka IV
Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Daring Greatly: The Foundations of Prudential Statesmanship

research seminar 11/2024

15 May
10 am (CEST)
6 pm (AEST)

Alexandre Lefebvre
University of Sydney

Liberalism as a Way of Life

research seminar 12/2024

22 May
3 pm (CEST)
9 am (EDT)

John Boersma
Christendom College

Friendship in Aristotle's Musical Republic

research seminar 13/2024

29 May
10 am (CEST)

Michael Klenk
Delft University of Technology

The Nature of Manipulation

research seminar 14/2024

5 June
10 am (CEST)

Mathis Bitton
Harvard University

Prometheus Reborn: Francis Bacon and the Birth of Modern Technology

research seminar 15/2024
in person

12 June
10 am (CEST)

Alexander Rosenthal Pubul
Director, Petrarch Institute

Conservative Humanism and the Fate of the West

research seminar 16/2024
in person

12 June
2 pm (CEST)

Paolo Carozza
University of Notre Dame

Freedom of Expression and other Human Rights in the Regulation (and Self-Regulation) of Social Media

research seminar 17/2024
in person
VENUE: HUN-REN Institute for Leal Studies

26 June
10 am (CEST)
1:30 pm (SLST)

Asanga Welikala
University of Edinburgh

Constitutional Conservatism: A Self-Interrogation

research seminar 18/2024









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