Kálmán TÓTH
Degrees: Hungarian Language and Literature, History MA (ELTE), Literary Sciences History of Hungarian Literature PhD (ELTE)
Research interests: Hungarian Literature of the Late 18th and 19th Centuries. Life-work of János Kis (1770−1846) and Ferenc Kazinczy (1759−1831). Political Thought in the Long 19th Century. 19th-Century Hungarian Classical Liberal Political Thought. Autobiographical Literature and Cultural Memory Studies. Reception of German Literature in Hungary during the Period of Enlightenment.
Publications: MTMT
Membership: Hungarian Bach Society
Contact: toth.kalman[at]uni-nke.hu
Projects: Traditions of Hungarian Constitutional and Political Thought
Kálmán Tóth (Budapest, 1979), research fellow. He graduated from Budapest's Loránd Eötvös University of Sciences in 2013 in Hungarian and History, obtained a PhD-degree at the same University in the PhD-program "Hungarian and European Enlightenment" under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Márton Szilágyi. From 2005, he participated in the works of the critical edition of Ferenc Kazinczy's non-fictious prosaic writings. He took part in the preparational works of the planned volume "Histories of Hungary's Literatures" at HAS Institute of Literary Studies. Between 2013 and 2015, he started the research project of gathering the correspondence of superintendent János Kis (1770−1846) to be found in Hungarian Archives, and preparing it for critical edition with the support of HAS Postdoctoral Research Program as a postdoctoral fellow at HAS−University of Debrecen Research Group of Classical Hungarian Literary Textology. After the two-year supported period, he continued this project as an independent literary historian, and completed it at RIPG with the publication of the volume Kis János (1770−1846) szuperintendens irodalmi és tudományos levelezése [Literary and Scholarly Correspondence of Superintendent János Kis (1770‒1846)] in 2022. Since 2018, he has been taking part in the project of publishing József Eötvös's correspondence at HAS Research Center of Humanities under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Gábor Gángó, and Prof. Dr. András Cieger.
He started working at RIPG in February 2019 as a junior research fellow, and he became a research fellow in August 2022.
He is the author of several scholarly publications, and also published informative and awareness-raising writings on the online platforms of the institute. He became the editor of the blog of RIPG in 2024. He frequently takes part in scholarly conferences, his publications appeared in Hungarian, English and German languages. He is the co-editor of four volumes published as output of the institute’s research projects.
Selected publications:
Hörcher Ferenc‒Tóth Kálmán (eds.): A szavak lázadása ‒ Irodalom és politika Kazinczy börtönéveitől a Mozgó Világ-botrányig. [The rebellion of words ‒ Literature and politics from Kazinczy’s years in prison until the Mozgó Világ(Moving World)-scandal] Budapest: MMA Kiadó, 2024.
Hörcher Ferenc‒Tóth Kálmán (eds.): A város mediális lenyomatai. [Medial imprints of the city] Budapest: Ludovika Egyetemi Kiadó, 2024.
Ferenc Hörcher‒Kálmán Tóth (eds.): 19th-Century Hungarian Political Thought and Culture: Towards Settlement with Austria, 1790‒1867. London‒New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.
Kálmán Tóth: Ferenc Kazinczy and his age. In Ferenc Hörcher‒Kálmán Tóth (eds.): 19th-Century Hungarian Political Thought and Culture: Towards Settlement with Austria, 1790‒1867. London‒New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023, 87‒104.
Tóth Kálmán: A kapitalizmus apológiája és kritikája Gorove István Nyugot című útleírásában. [Apology and criticism of capitalism in István Gorove’s travelogue Nyugot (West)] In András Csaba‒Hites Sándor (eds.): Kapitalizmus és irodalomtörténet [Capitalism and literary history] (Reciti konferenciakötetek 15), Budapest: Reciti Kiadó, 2022, 141‒154.