Research seminar series in 2024
Date |
Speaker |
Title |
Form of the event |
25 January |
Alan S. Kahan |
research seminar 1/2024 |
7 February |
Matthijs Lok |
Europe against Revolution: Conservatism, Enlightenment and the Making of the Past |
research seminar 2/2024 |
14 February |
Alexis Carré |
research seminar 3/2024 |
28 February |
Richard Whatmore |
research seminar 4/2024 |
6 March |
Johanna Fröhlich |
Alkotmányos érvelés Latin Amerikában - Stratégiai fordulat vagy dekoratív elemek játszmája? |
research seminar 5/2024 |
13 March |
István Tringli |
Lex politica Dei. Egy magyar nyelvű természetjogi mű 1610-ből |
research seminar 6/2024 |
20 March |
Ryan R. Holston |
Tradition’s Deliberation: Gadamer and the Irreality of a Community without Limits |
workshop |
27 March |
Juan Carlos Riofrío |
The Natural Law Formula and the Missing Link: Tracing and Updating Aquinas’ Methodology |
research seminar 7/2024 |
10 April |
Research group of RIPG |
The Concept of Politics and "The Political" in Modern Hungarian Political Thought from the 16th to the 20th Century |
workshop (Hungarian NRDI Fund) |
17 April |
Samuel Moyn |
research seminar 8/2024 |
24 April |
Gábor Dobos |
research seminar 9/2024 |
30 April |
Burke and the Origin of Parties |
research seminar 10/2024 |
8 May |
research seminar 11/2024 |
15 May |
Alexandre Lefebvre |
research seminar 12/2024 |
22 May |
John Boersma |
research seminar 13/2024 |
29 May |
Michael Klenk |
research seminar 14/2024 |
5 June |
Mathis Bitton |
Prometheus Reborn: Francis Bacon and the Birth of Modern Technology |
research seminar 15/2024 |
12 June |
Alexander Rosenthal Pubul |
research seminar 16/2024 |
12 June |
Paolo Carozza |
Freedom of Expression and other Human Rights in the Regulation (and Self-Regulation) of Social Media |
research seminar 17/2024 |
26 June |
Asanga Welikala |
research seminar 18/2024 |
September 4 |
Oliver Traldi |
research seminar 19/2024 |
September 17 |
Jordan Rudinsky |
From Deliberation to Responsibility. The Transformation of Parliamentarism in the Early 20th Century |
research seminar 20/2024 |
October 2 |
Brigitta Schvéd |
research seminar 21/2024 |
October 2 |
Manfred Svensson |
research seminar 22/2024 |
October 16 |
Ross Carroll |
Edmund Burke and the Hazards of Political Reform: the Case of the Slave Trade |
research seminar 23/2024 |
October 30 |
Kálmán Pócza |
Constitutional Pluralism: In Praise of Political Compromises |
research seminar 24/2024 |
October 30 |
Isaac Nakhimovsky |
The Holy Alliance: Liberalism and the Politics of Federation |
research seminar 25/2024 |
November 13 |
Michael Pakaluk |
research seminar 26/2024 |
November 20 |
Tamás Nyirkos |
Európával halok meg - avagy érdemes-e könyvet írni az ellenforradalomról? |
research seminar 27/2024 |
November 27 |
Ádám Smrcz |
Hermeneutikai megközelítések a deliberatív demokrácia és a mesterséges intelligencia viszonyát illetően |
research seminar 28/2024 |
December 4 |
Kálmán Tóth |
A politikai közösség a reformkor politikai gondolkodásában |
research seminar 29/2024 |
December 11 |
Kit Kowol |
Blue Jerusalem: British Conservatism and the Second World War |
research seminar 30/2024 |