Research cooperations archive

A project to collect, edit and prepare for publication the correspondence of Baron József Eötvös (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy)

Members of our institute participated, or still participate in the following research, sponsored by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, to collect, edit and prepare for publication the collected correspondence of Baron József Eötvös. 

Identifier: 112137
type: K
Research leader: Gángó Gábor
Hungarian title: Eötvös József levelezésének kiadása
Angol : The Edition of the Correspondence of József Eötvös
Hungarian key words: Eötvös József, levelezés, forráskiadás, 19. század, magyar történelem
English key words: József Eötvös, correspondence, source edition, 19th century, history of Hungary
Category: Historical science (Humanities and the Social Sciences)
Ortelius disciplinary branch: political history

RIPG researchers who earlier participated in the project: Ferenc Hörcher, Ádám Smrcz 
RIPG researcher and administrator still participating in the project: Kálmán Tóth, Andrea Robotka (research administrator)

Research summary on the homepage of NRDIO:



The Intellectual History of the City (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy – National University of Public Service, Research Institute of Politics and Governent)

The institute collaborates with the Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in a project started there in 2017. The research focuses on the interdisciplinary analysis of the history of political thought of/about the European cities. The low budget research project plans to organise two occasions per year for an international workshop, in the above topic, with the aim to publish the best papers together. 

Research leader: Hörcher Ferenc
Coorganisers of the workshops: Smrcz Ádám

Information about the workshops of the series are available on the following specific webpage dedicated to that purpose :

Titles and homepages of the international workshops organised this year:
•    Arts and the City – 23-24. May 2019., (Coorganisers HAS RCH Institute of Philosophy, Department of English, Gáspár Károli University of the Reformed Church)   
•    Rethinking the European City: New Conceptions and the Living Heritage – 26-27. April 2019. (Coorganisers: HAS RCH Institute of Philosophy, The Hungarian Society for Urban Planning, BUTE Department of Urban Planning and Design)



Judicial constraints on legislatures in Europe 1990-2020 (JUDICON-EU)

The Research Institute for Government and Politics conducts a joint research project (JUDICON-EU) with the Centre of Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Based on the methodology of the JUDICON project, the JUDICON-EU research project will expand the scope of the investigation and map the practice of constitutional adjudication along with the judicial constraints on legislatures in 25 European countries.

The JUDICON-EU project will be pursued in cooperation with the Centre of Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Homepage of the JUDICON project: