Degrees: MA in political science (ELTE), MA in communication studies (SZTE), PhD in political science (ELTE)

Research interests: political theory, political realism, Carl Schmitt’s political theory, the Hungarian political system

Publications: MTMT

Contact: gyulai.attila[at]

Projects: Constitutional Politics and Political Realism



Attila Gyulai received his PhD in political science from ELTE, Budapest in 2016. His fields of research are political theory (political realism and Carl Schmitt’s political theory), the Hungarian political system. He is a research fellow at the Institute for Political Science – Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a lecturer at Pázmány Péter Catholic University. 

Selected publications:

The Lesson of Carl Schmitt’s Realism: The Autonomy and the Primacy of the Political. Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, 65: (155) pp. 26-49. 2018.

Courts compared: The practice of constitutional adjudication in Central and Eastern Europe, In Pócza, Kálmán (ed.) Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe, London/New York: Routledge, 2018 (társszerzők, Pócza Kálmán, Dobos Gábor) (co-athored with Kálmán Pócza and Gábor Dobos)

The Hungarian Constitutional Court: A constructive partner in constitutional dialogue, In Pócza, Kálmán (ed.) Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe, London/New York: Routledge, 2018 (társszerzők, Pócza Kálmán, Dobos Gábor) (co-athored with Kálmán Pócza and Gábor Dobos)

Taming the Extreme: Hungarian Black Metal in the Mainstream Publicity, In Barna, Emília; Tófalvy, Tamás (eds.) Made in Hungary: Studies in Popular Music. London: Routledge, 2017. 

Szűcs Zoltán Gábor, Gyulai Attila (szerk.) A hatalom ködében: Bevezetés a realista politikaelméletbe. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2016.

A politika mint politikai probléma: Kis János és Schlett István a politika autonómiájáról. Politikatudományi Szemle XXV:(4) pp. 67-83. 2016.