Open research webinar series at the Research Institute for Politics and Government

Research Institute for Politics and Government (Eötvös József Research Centre, National University of Public Service) cordially invites everyone to the open webinar series held every week according to the schedule below (constantly being updated).

One week before each webinar we put the abstract and the join link on our website and facebook page. The length of a single webinar is 15-20 minutes followed by a discussion of 30 minutes.





Form of the webinar

13 January, 10 am (CET)

Anna Tüskés
Institute of Literary Studies

Gara László munkásságának kultúrpolitikai vonatkozásai

open research webinar 1 (in Hungarian)

20 January, 10 am (CET)

Eszter Kovács

Hierarchia, rend és szabadság Mary Astell politikai gondolkodásában

open research webinar 2 (in Hungarian)

27 January 10 am (CET)


Research workshop

research workshop (in Hungarian)

3 February 10 am (CET)

Valerio Severino
scholar, Sapienza University of Rome 

A Genealogy of Nationalism: the Religion of the Fatherland and its Rites in the Light of Comparative History

open research webinar 3 (in English)

10 February 10 am (CET)

Tibor Navracsics
director of the European Strategy Research Institute

Döntéshozatal az Európai Bizottságban

open research webinar 4 (in Hungarian)

17 February 10 am (CET)

Márton Soltész
research fellow

Egy mítosz anatómiája. Nagy Péter (1920–2010) irodalomtörténész életútjának politikai vonatkozásai

open research webinar 5 (in Hungarian)

24 February 10 am (CET)


Research workshop

research workshop (in Hungarian)

24 March 10 am (CET)

Piret Peiker
Tallinn University

Building a Postcolonial State: The Case of the Law on Cultural Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities, passed in the Estonian Parliament 1925

open research webinar 6

31 March 4 pm (CEST)

Helena Rosenblatt
City University of New York

When liberalism split into two

open research webinar 7

7 April 10 am (CEST)

Ferenc Hörcher, Kálmán Tóth

Szöveggyűjtemény a hosszú 19. századi magyar politikai gondolkodásról - lengyel közönség számára

open research webinar 8 (in Hungarian)

14 April 4 pm (CEST)

András Giró-Szász
political scientist

Az utolsó szó mindig a történelemé

open research webinar 9 (in Hungarian)

21 April 10 am (CEST)

Pál Hatos
director of the Institute of Central European Studies

Hatos Pál: „Csak az van, ami lehet?” – Az 1919-es proletárdiktatúra metafizikai forradalmai

open research webinar 10 (in Hungarian)


5 May 10 am (CEST)

Tamás  Fejérdy, Pannon University, University of Technology and Economics;
Imre Körmendy, Hungarian Society for Urban Planning;
Borbála Jász,
BUTE Department of Philosophy and History of Science


Műemlékrekonstrukció vagy replika


open research webinar 11 (in Hungarian)

12 May
10 am (CEST)

Balázs Orbán
parliamentary and strategic state secretary, deputy minister

A magyar stratégiai gondolkodás egyszeregye

open research webinar 12
(in Hungarian)

19 May
12 pm (CEST)

Gergely Egedy, professor
Géza Vasas, research fellow

Egy gondolkodó, két perspektívából: beszélgetés Asbóth Jánosról

open research webinar 13
(in Hungarian)

10 June
10 am (CEST)

Gábor Petneházi
University of Szeged

Szigorúan ellenőrzött mondatok. Gian Michele Bruto és a Rerum Ungaricarum libri

open research webinar 14 (in Hungarian)

9 June
10 am (CEST)

Francesco Giubilei
visiting fellow, Mathias Corvinus Collegium

Italian Conservatism from the 1900s to Our Days

open research webinar 15

16 June
9 am (CEST)


Research workshop

research workshop (in Hungarian)

23 June
11 am (CEST)

Ignác Romsics
Eszterházy Károly University

Bethlen István konzervativizmusa és revíziós törekvései

open research webinar 16
(in Hungarian)

30 June
4 pm (CEST)

Mirjam Kuenkler, Tine Stein

Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde - Constitutional Scholar and Judge at the German Federal Constitutional Court

open research webinar 17







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